Most of the time, romatic people are annoyed because their partner, either man or woman “don’t have time for romance”
Well, in the long-term, this will shadow the relationship…
Is there anything that can be done to change the situation ?
On this blog, the main advice is to correct anything wrong with your mind. Yes, you can!
Let's say for example, if you watch a movie and get emotional when you see a romantic scene. Suddenly you will think of your partner and say :
If only he could be like this with me... But no, he is not romantic at all. Therefore, you feel pain and can't stop yourself from cursing etc.
Somehow, if we are really sincere, can we say that it's your partner's fault ?
Didn't you just affirm with all the feelings that he is not romantic ?
So, from the teachings of Neville Goddard, we know that feeling is the secret.
In fact, what you just did, is giving him a role to play and he plays it. That's all!
Now, if this makes sense, you can absolutely correct this situation.
Change your belief, change your inner talkings
Start seeing that he has changed and you are telling everyone how romatic he has become.
You can use visualisation for this or meditation.
In any case, it shoul dtard in you first. Then your world will reflect to your inner beliefs.
Now, this is a free method at hand. You can get results instantly but it can also take time if you are not used to it.
So out there, I can see lots of programs to help people. I can mention a few, but the one I can see is appropriate is :
The Woman Men adore
The Woman Men adore
This can help you quickly get all the romance, love and even passion you’re missing back into your relationship.
It will take one few minutes just to clic a few buttons on your cell phone.
This can create a private little fantasy world between you and your boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife …
It’s worked for thousands of couples around the world, and it canwork for you as well. Why not give it a try ?
If you do, please feel free to share your feedback in the comments here so that together, we can encourage lots of people who are struggling to get romance back into their love life.