Manifest instantly money, love and abundance : is it possible ?

septembre 28, 2019 0 Comments

Well, I believe firmly in the power of the subconscious mind to bring forth whatever seed we plant in it.

So when it comes to money, love or any desire that we may have, i belive it is possible to manifest then.

Somehow, there's the "in hours" or " Instantly" ideas which may seem quite difficult for some people.

So if i imagine that I am with my lover, one day or another, it will happen... But can it happen in the next few hours ?
Same for money... Can we get few or lot of bucks instantly or within  hours ?

Well, I can tell you a short story...

Yesterday, with my hubby, we went to the store. He gave me a few bucks and just for kidding, I said, Ha, I can give you the double in a few days. 
He said : OK for me.

When we got back home, he reminded me of that and I remain silent.
For a few seconds, I wondered where I would get the double of the money I spent at the store ? 

Then I stopped and just felt for a few seconds that I gave him happily his money saying : 
Well, what d'you say  Now ? Everything is possible with me !

After that :
I went to my laptop and he came happily saying he just changed his clothes and found a few bucks in our wardrobe. (I didn't even know I kept some money there).

Well I said : You see, no need to wait for next week... Here's your money. :) 

So, as per my experience, it is possible to manifest instantly when all the elements are aligned.
What are theses ?
  •  Belief
  • Never doubt
  • Feel the excitement of the fullfilled prophecised action
 I can give you many more examples in my own book :

Apart from that, I can also recommend a program that I came across and that I found very interesting. Now, I can say that everything related to the subconscious mind or the imagination can be helpful.

For me, I focus mainly on Neville Goddard's teachings, but there are really good stuffs out there.

For instance there's an Instant Manifestation program :

 You can give it a try and then if it works for you, please feel free to share your results. It may help others to manifest too.
What I approve as well is the label :

You really are taking  no risk, so I wish you all the best and if you have any question about manifesting, I'll be glad to answer them. :)

Bella Vida 


Amour canin : adoptez un chien et dressez-le vous-même

septembre 26, 2019
Aujourd'hui, je vous invite à découvrir l'une des choses qui me passionne le plus au monde : l'élevage des chiens

Oh non, je ne résiste pas lorsque je vois cette petite frimousse qui me fais ses yeux tout ronds. 
Toutefois, ni moi, ni mes parents n'avons jamais eu de notion pour le dressage des chiens. Alors, peu importe le nombre de chiens qu'on a adopté (oui, il y en a eu pas mal), je dois dire que cela a été quelque peu difficile de les faire obéir. 

Par exemple, la nuit, pour les faire sortir de la maison et rejoindre leurs niches, c'est comme si je devais convaincre mes enfants de se mettre au lit tôt le week-end. 

Mais que cela ne vous décourage pas. Je vous parle de choses qui se passaient 20 ans auparavant. 
Il y a maintenant plein de guides pour aider les gens. Dernièrement, je suis tombée sur celui-ci notamment: "Dressez Votre Chien en 15 Minutes par jour"

 Je vous fais un rapide résumé de cet ouvrage. Bien sûr, vous vous en doutez, ce qui m'a interpelé, c'est les mots "15 minutes".
Eh oui, si vous êtes comme moi, tout le temps à courir ici et là, c'est le genre de mots qui m'interpelle. 15 minutes par jour, c'est un temps raisonnable que je peux consacrer à éduquer ma boule de poil.
  • Les diverses consignes proposées dans ce guide de 340 pages sont complètes et faciles à mettre en place ;
  •  Si votre nouveau compagnon a de mauvaises habitudes, ce sera facile de l'aider à les éliminer sans le frustrer ;
 Il faut aussi savoir que les chiens sont très compréhensifs si l'on sait leur indiquer les bons signes. Toutefois, il arrive qu'il se sente incompris. Il voudrait bien pouvoir plaire à son maître mais n'y parvient pas. C'est alors qu'il ressent du stress, ce qui du côté de son maître, est source d'inquiétude. Bref, l'harmonie ne sera pas au rendez-vous. 

Donc, ce livre permet aussi de comprendre la psychologie de l'animal et de ne pas le brusquer si l'on voit qu'il fait des efforts.
 Pour ma part, ce qui me plaisent chez les chiens, ce sont les câlins. Quel bonheur d'avoir tant de tendresse !

Eh bien dans ce livre, on a aussi plein de conseils sur la façon d'instaurer une véritable complicité avec ce gentil compagnon. Ce sera une joie pour votre chien et pour vous-même.

Donc chers amis lecteurs, je vous invite à découvrir cet ouvrage :  Dressez Votre Chien en 15 Minutes par jour

Personnellement, je vous encourage à trouver plein de plaisir dans la vie et si c'est d'avoir la tendresse et l'amour d'un gentil chien, qui deviendra votre meilleur ami, lancez-vous !

Si vous vous décidez à adopter un chien et que vous utiliser ce guide pour le dresser, pourriez-vous laisser un petit commentaire ici ?
Vous pouvez aussi partagez votre avis sur d'autres méthodes ou solutions qui marchent pour éduquer les chiens.

De cette façon, nous pourrons ensemble recommander les meilleurs produits et techniques à tout un chacun.

D'ici le prochain article, je vous souhaite bonne visite sur mon blog et à bientôt !

Bella Vida

How to turn your partner into a romantic beast ?

septembre 24, 2019

Most of the time, romatic people are annoyed because their partner, either man or woman “don’t have time for romance”

Well, in the long-term, this will shadow the relationship…

Is there anything that can be done to change the situation ?

On this blog, the main advice is to correct anything wrong with your mind. Yes, you can!

In fact, if this kind of things is happening in your life, it is simply a reflection of your inner belief.

Let's say for example, if you watch a movie and get emotional when you see a romantic scene. Suddenly you will think of your partner and say :

If only he could be like this with me... But no, he is not romantic at all. Therefore, you feel pain and can't stop yourself from cursing etc.

Somehow, if we are really sincere, can we say that it's your partner's fault ?
Didn't you just affirm with all the feelings that he is not romantic ?

So, from the teachings of Neville Goddard, we know that feeling is the secret.

In fact, what you just did, is giving him a role to play and he plays it. That's all!

Now, if this makes sense, you can absolutely correct this situation.
Change your belief, change your inner talkings
Start seeing that he has changed and you are telling everyone how romatic he has become.

You can use visualisation for this or meditation.
In any case, it shoul dtard in you first. Then your world will reflect to your inner beliefs.

Now, this is a free method at hand. You can get results instantly but it can also take time if you are not used to it.

So out there, I can see lots of programs to help people. I can mention a few, but the one I can see is appropriate is :
The Woman Men adore

This can help you quickly get all the romance, love and even passion you’re missing back into your relationship.
It will take one few minutes just to clic a few buttons on your cell phone.
This can create a private little fantasy world between you and your boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife …
It’s worked for thousands of couples around the world, and it canwork for you as well. Why not give it a try ?
If you do, please feel free to share your feedback in the comments here so that together, we can encourage lots of people who are struggling to get romance back into their love life.

Heal yourself with imagination!

septembre 23, 2019

The Revision technique : a method get rid of our pain

Our physical state is sometimes a reflection of what is happening inside. So, if one suffers from an illness, it is certain that it has something to do with a mental state that is not in alignment with our body. This imbalance can then produce contrary effects and even worsen over time.

In general, it is only when it becomes unbearable (for example, a very strong pain) that one decides to have the opinion of a doctor. Now, based on what Neville Goddard explains, all that happen to us comes from our inner self.

So, before considering getting a medical diagnosis, it is better to look for the source of the problem in ourselves.

If something is constantly happening or if a health condition does not improve after coming and going to the doctor, it probably means that the source comes from the past. A past that has impacted the subconscious mind so strongly that we now feel the effects.

The first step is to analyze our past. This will allow us to find where and when the disease started. Most of the time, we realize that we are the cause of the disease because of something we have done.

So the next step is to review this past. How to proceed ?

Do you remember old movies that showed time travelling machines? Well, the mission of the actors is to travel to a distant past aboard these machines to change something that bother them or simply to explore the past. I refer you here to the movie: A Knight in Camelot with Whoopi Goldberg. You might get an idea. :).

Well, with our brain, it's the same. It is possible to go back in the past because it is a machine that records every event of our existence, even if we sometimes forget them while growing up. That's why hypnosis sessions are effective at bringing back those memories. This is the Revision technique, a powerful way to change our actual physical condition.

So if we manage to go in a specific time and find the source of our problem, we can correct it.

There is also another way to heal without the help of a doctor:

You have to know that in the world, there is polarity, which means, that there is a positive notion of all negativity and vice versa.

So, if one is suffering right now, somewhere in time, there is the opposite of this state.

Therefore, it is enough to find this state (contrary to the pain = peace, relief, serenity) and to embrace it.

In my case, I was suffering from a pilonidal cyst and it was excruciating pain. So when I understood how things work in our world, I put into practice what I learned, mostly from Neville Goddard and Joseph Murphy.

I saw myself doing pushups, running or sitting for hours while being happy that I am healthy. That's the feeling I wanted to feel.

"I am happy because I tell my family that now everything is fine. I am serene and at peace. I am in perfect health!"

It's all about focusing on this state of well-being. When I can have an image of what I really want to feel (joy, excitement, relaxation, happiness etc.) and concentrate on it, then the subconscious mind will come into action.

Seeing that the image I see is not in alignment with my reality, he will correct things and heal me as quickly as possible.

Now, how will it proceed?

Sometimes, just like the woman in the Bible who touched Jesus' garment, you will feel instant relief.

Other times, it will put a medicine at your disposal to relieve you from the pain or it will take you to news or articles related to your illness.

One way or another, it will have only one goal: to correct this imbalance between your imaginary act and your reality.

 So, before you go to the hospital for the advice of a doctor: think about doing an introspection. Then use the most beautiful weapon you have at your disposal: Your Imagination!

Rupture : Vous pouvez le récupérer !

septembre 22, 2019

Voulez-vous le ou la récupérer ?  Vous ne voulez pas que votre relation tombe en miettes ? Cet ouvrage peut vous y aider :

De plus, voulez-vous que ce soit lui qui fasse le premier pas vers vous... ?

Eh oui,
De nos jours, on ne peut pas simplement se lancer dans des conclusions hâtives si l'on voit que quelque chose tourne mal dans un couple. Peut-être n'est-ce qu'un conflit passager ?

Saviez-vous que la plupart des ruptures de relations peuvent être sauvées ?
En fait, la raison pour laquelle tant de femmes finissent le cœur brisé est souvent à cause de ce qu'ils font les premières semaines après la rupture.
Elles se mettent à lui trouver toutes sortes de défauts !

  •  Les hommes ! Tous les mêmes ! Ils sont méchants, égoïstes ou exigeants.

Il arrive aussi qu'après une rupture la plupart des femmes essaient de convaincre leur homme de revenir en utilisant des méthodes peu efficace.

  1. Avez-vous commis certaines de ces erreurs critiques?
  2. Avez-vous été trop émotive ou exigeante ?
  3. L'avez-vous appelé au moins 10 ou 20 fois par... jour ?
  4. Peut-être l'avez-vous même supplié de revenir vers vous ? 

Si vous pouvez vous identifier à l'une de ces choses, vous devez vérifier ceci :

Il s'agit d'un programme qui vous explique comment inciter votre ex à s'intéresser à nouveau à vous et allant même jusqu'à vous supplier de revenir dans ses bras.

Alors, si vous vous sentez un peu dépassée à cause de cette rupture, mais que vous l'aimez toujours...
Si vous avez besoin d'un plan ou d'une stratégie à suivre étape par étape...
Vous pouvez le ramener... C'est possible !
 Suivez maintenant les méthodes de ce livre :